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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Abandoned Education: The Crumbling Walls of Government School in Saki Push Future Leaders Away

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Baptist Primary School, once a center of hope and learning in Aba Okin, Saki West Local Government Area, now stands as a neglected relic of its former self. The school’s dilapidated condition has become a harsh symbol of government inaction, driving away the very children it was meant to nurture. Future leaders who should be growing in this space of knowledge are instead being pushed away by the crumbling walls and uninhabitable classrooms, signaling a looming educational crisis in the region.

A Picture of Neglect

The images attached tell a heartbreaking story of abandonment. The classrooms are empty, save for scattered, broken-down benches that once supported eager learners. Dust coats the floors, and cracks line the walls, which remain unplastered, exposing the shoddy construction. The windows, mere open spaces without any form of protective cover, allow the natural elements to ravage the already fragile structure.

A closer look at the fallen bench, faintly inscribed with “Donated by Wewe LCDA Saki,” hints at past efforts to equip the school, efforts now laid to waste by years of neglect. The absence of teaching materials, desks, or even basic chalkboards reinforces the notion that this school is no longer operational in any real capacity. The environment is not just unwelcoming, it is unsafe—a far cry from the standard of education every child deserves.

Pushing Away Future Leaders

The deteriorating condition of Baptist Primary School has created an insurmountable barrier to education for children in Aba Okin. Parents, understandably concerned for the safety and welfare of their children, have stopped sending them to this failing institution. What should be a hub for shaping future leaders has instead become a place no one wants to visit, much less learn in.

As attendance drops, so do the prospects of the children. Instead of gaining access to the education that would help them become tomorrow’s teachers, doctors, and leaders, they are left at home or forced to attend distant schools, adding unnecessary hardship to their daily lives. The dreams and aspirations of these young minds are being slowly eroded by a system that has failed them.

Demoralizing Teachers and Learning

Teachers are also victims of this neglect. The lack of basic facilities and educational tools has left many of them disillusioned and demotivated. Teaching in such an environment is a near-impossible task. Without proper furniture, teaching aids, or a comfortable atmosphere, educators are forced to perform their duties under conditions that strip them of both dignity and effectiveness.

The absence of support from the local government compounds the issue. What hope can there be for the students if even their teachers are being disempowered? The classroom, which should serve as a breeding ground for critical thinking and personal development, has instead become a place of stagnation and decline.

Consequences of Abandonment

The neglect of Baptist Primary School is more than just a local issue; it is emblematic of the widespread disregard for education in rural Nigeria. As public schools like this one continue to be abandoned, the long-term consequences for communities like Aba Okin grow graver. Children who could have become literate, skilled contributors to society will now be left behind, perpetuating cycles of poverty and underdevelopment.

The crumbling infrastructure and lack of government support not only rob these children of their future but also deny the community the opportunity to develop and grow. Education is the foundation of progress, and without it, the region’s potential remains untapped.

Urgent Call for Action

This situation calls for immediate intervention from both local and state authorities. The future of Aba Okin’s children hangs in the balance, and only a concerted effort can restore Baptist Primary School to a place where future leaders are nurtured rather than pushed away. To this end, the following steps must be taken:

1. Renovation and Repair: The school’s infrastructure must be urgently rehabilitated. This includes fixing the broken windows, plastering the walls, replacing the dilapidated furniture, and ensuring that classrooms are fit for learning.

2. Supply of Learning Materials: The government should provide essential teaching tools such as desks, chairs, chalkboards, and textbooks to enable both teachers and students to engage in meaningful educational activities.

3. Community Involvement: The local community should be engaged in the school’s maintenance once it has been restored. Initiatives that encourage stakeholders to take responsibility for the school’s upkeep will ensure that it remains functional for future generations.

4. Government Accountability: There must be a push for more transparency and accountability from local and state governments regarding the funds allocated for education. Proper inspections and follow-ups are necessary to avoid further decay in other schools.


The current state of Baptist Primary School, Aba Okin, is a testament to the government’s failure to prioritize education in rural areas. If the necessary steps are not taken, the future leaders of this community will continue to be pushed away by the very institution meant to propel them forward. This is a call to action—for the government, community, and stakeholders—to rise to the occasion and save the future of these children before it is too late.

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